
RawRabbit comes with a console logger, which makes sense when playing around in a console app. However, you probably want to use the same logger as you use in the rest of the project. This can be done by downloading RawRabbit.Logger.Serilog, RawRabbit.Logger.NLog, RawRabbit.Logger.Log4Net or implement your own custom logger. Create a logger is fairly easy, it is a matter of implementing ILogger and ILoggerFactory.

The logger is provided to RawRabbit though the registered ILoggerFactory, so it is enough to register the desired factory to use it in all internal classes

            ioc => ioc.AddSingleton<ILoggerFactory, RawRabbit.Logging.Serilog.LoggerFactory>()

Similarly for vNext apps

    custom: ioc => ioc.AddSingleton<ILoggerFactory, RawRabbit.Logging.Serilog.LoggerFactory>()