Update Topology

Topology features such as queues and exchanges cannot be updated in RabbitMq. However, sometimes it can be desired to change type, durability or other configuration aspects. This can be done with the UpdateTopology extension. It removes topology features and re-declares them based on configuration. The extension is available through RawRabbit.Extensions that can be installed via the NuGet console

  PM> Install-Package RawRabbit.Extensions

Exchange updates

Updating an exchanges requires two things, the name of the exchange to update and the new desired configuration. Changing the type and durability of exchange my_exchange can be done with a few lines of code.

await client.UpdateTopologyAsync(t => t
    .UseConfiguration(e => e

The name of the exchange can also be extracted by the message type and the registered INamingConvention

await client.UpdateTopologyAsync(c => c
    .UseConfiguration(e => e.WithType(ExchangeType.Topic)));

Values that are not provided in the configuration builder will default to the values of the GeneralExchangeConfiguration on the registered RawRabbitConfiguration. If the general exchange configuration has changed and a solution wide update is desired, the UseConventionForExchange<TMessage> method can be used

var result = await client.UpdateTopologyAsync(c => c

Change multiple exchanges

The different signatures can be combined in a number of ways to update exchanges. If multiple update configurations are defined for the same exchange, only the latest one will be used.

await client.UpdateTopologyAsync(c => c
    .UseConfiguration(x => x.WithAutoDelete())
    .UseConfiguration(x => x.WithType(ExchangeType.Direct))


Updating an exchange consists of three steps

  1. Deleting exchange
  2. Re-declare exchange
  3. Re-add existing queue bindings

It is not until all queue bindings have been re-added to an exchange that everything works as expected. The extension method returns an result object that contains information about what bindings that has been re-added and the execution time.

var result = await client.UpdateTopologyAsync(t => t
    .UseConfiguration(e => e

ExchangeConfiguration exchangeConfig = result.Exchanges[0].Exchange;
TimeSpan executionTime = result.Exchanges[0].ExecutionTime;
List<Binding> bindings = result.Exchanges[0].Bindings;

Binding Key Transformer

In addition to be able to re-define features of the exchange, the binding key can be updated with the optional argument bindingKeyTransformer. This can be useful when adding or removing wildcard routing while changing exchange type from one that supports wildcard and one that does not.

await currentClient.UpdateTopologyAsync(c => c
        exchange => exchange.WithType(ExchangeType.Direct),
        bindingKey => bindingKey.Replace(".*", string.Empty))

Queue updates

There are currently no support for updating queues.