
As with most frameworks, the configuration of RawRabbit can be specified in either code or configuration. The easiest way to configure a vNext application is by using the optional parameter in the IServiceCollection extension:

private static void ConfigureApplication(IServiceCollection serviceCollection)
            cfg => cfg.AddJsonFile("rawrabbit.json"),
            ioc => ioc.AddTransient<ILogger, SerilogLogger>()

If the application follows the pre vNext standards you can still leverage this syntax by using the BusClientFactory in RawRabbit.vNext package

    cfg => cfg.AddJsonFile("rawrabbit.json"),
    ioc => ioc.AddTransient<ILogger, SerilogLogger>()

Configuration options

Connecting to the broker

Username, password, virtual host, port and hosts are used for connecting to the host. Hosts is a list of strings that is passed to the registered IConnectionFactory when establishing a connection. It uses the default host selection strategy for RabbitMQ.Client, which is RandomHostnameSelector (as of 3.6.0).

Recovery From Network Failures

RawRabbit supports automatic recovery of connection and topology. AutomaticRecovery (bool) indicates if recovery of connections, channels and QoS should be performed. If the recovery fails it, RawRabbit will wait for RecoveryInterval (TimeSpan) until retrying again. AutomaticRecovery (bool) includes recovery of exchanges, queues, bindings and consumers. More information about automatic recovering, see RabbitMq’s .NET API guide (under section Automatic Recovery From Network Failures)

Operation timeouts

For request/reply, the RequestTimeout (TimeSpan) specifies the amout of time to wait for a response to arrive. PublishConfirmTimeout specifies the time to wait for a publish confirm from the broker.

Default topology settings

The default configuration for topology features (such as queue name, exchange type, auto delete) are specified in the Exchange (GeneralExchangeConfiguration) and Queue (GeneralQueueConfiguration) properties. These values can be overriden by custom configuration when specifying an operation.


When AutoCloseConnection (bool) is set to true, a connection will be closed when the last channel has disconnected. Read more about this at RabbitMq’s .NET API guide (under section Disconnecting from RabbitMQ).

PersistentDeliveryMode (bool) specifies if messages should be persisted to disk. While it affects performance, it makes the system more stabile for crashes/restart. Read more about it at RabbitMq’s AMQP concept (under section Message Attributes and Payload)

vNext configuration file

Here’s a sample of how the rawrabbit.json configuration file could look like

    "Username": "guest",
    "Password": "guest",
    "VirtualHost": "/",
    "Port": 5672,
    "Hostnames": [ "localhost" ],
    "RequestTimeout": "00:00:10",
    "PublishConfirmTimeout": "00:00:01",
    "RecoveryInterval": "00:00:10",
    "PersistentDeliveryMode": true,
    "AutoCloseConnection": true,
    "AutomaticRecovery": true,
    "TopologyRecovery": true,
    "Exchange": {
        "Durable": true,
        "AutoDelete": true,
        "Type": "Topic"
    "Queue": {
        "AutoDelete": true,
        "Durable": true,
        "Exclusive": true


RawRabbit also supports configuration from connection strings. The syntax is username:password@host:port/vhost(?parameter=value). Where

  • username is the username used for authentication to the broker (string)
  • password is the password used for authentication to the broker (string)
  • host is a comma seperated lists of brokers to connect to (string)
  • port is the port used when connect to a broker (int)
  • vhost is the virtual host to use on the broker (string)
  • parameters is a query string like seperated list of parameters (string). Supported parameters are the properties in the RawRabbitConfiguration object, such as requestTimeout, persistentDeliveryMode etc.

The ConnectionStringParser can be used to create a configuration object

var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["RabbitMq"];
var config = ConnectionStringParser.Parse(connectionString.ConnectionString);
var client = BusClientFactory.CreateDefault(config);


    <add name="RawRabbit" connectionString="guest:guest@localhost:5672/?requestTimeout=10"/>

Multiple hosts

Multiple hosts can specified by using a comma-seperated list.

    <add name="RawRabbit" connectionString="admin:admin@host1.production,host2.production:5672/"/>