Client upgrade


In release 1.9.0, the default message routing behaviour was changed so that any published message gets its GlobalMessageId appended to the routing key. A message that previously was published with routingkey foo, will use foo.870A9C90-CDEC-4D8D-870B-50BA121BD88F. This is used in the Message Sequence Extension to route only relevant messages to the different clients. Subscribers to messages use a wildcard routing foo.# and the messages will be delivered to the consumer. Previously, the Direct exchange type was the default type in RawRabbit, but wildcard routing is not supported there, which is why the new default is Topic.

When a consumer is set up, RawRabbit verifies that the exchange to which it want to bind the consumer to exists. If the exchange is exists but it is declared with a different type than the one that exists, an exception will be thrown.

Using existring configuration

The old configuration can be used by registering a “legacy” (pre 1.9.0) configuration

var cfg = RawRabbitConfiguration.Local.AsLegacy();
var client = RawRabbitFactory.GetExtendableClient(ioc => ioc.AddSingleton(s => cfg));

The AsLegacy extension sets the configuration value RouteWithGlobalId to false and resets the default exchange type to Direct.

Upgrading from < 1.9.0

If you want to use the new configuration on existing environments, the Update Topology Extension can be used to re-declare and re-bind queues with minimal downtime:

var client = RawRabbitFactory.GetExtendableClient();
await client.UpdateTopologyAsync(c => c
        exchange => exchange.WithType(ExchangeType.Topic),
        bindingKey => $"{bindingKey}.#")

By adding the # wildcard, the consumer matches zero or more words in the routing key, making it compatible with clients that use the old configuration.


With 1.9.5, the life time management has been looked over thoroughly. Previously, the base client implemented the IDisposable interface, that in turn disposed all of its own resoruces, all the way down the IChannelFactory. This is wanted behaviour in applications where the busclient is registered as a single instance with the same life time as the applications. However, in web applications, we might want to build the bus client for each request, customizing dependencies based on the HttpContext. Disposing everything in that scenario will lead to a unneccesary performance hit.

To address this, the IDisposable interface was removed from the base client, and added to derived clientes in the Disposable namespace. This is the client that is returned from the BusClientFactory (and the RawRabbitFactory for extendable bus clients).

Updraging to 1.9.5

There should be no major problems with this update. If you are using the factory classes for creating bus clients and somehow misses any references in your class, make sure to use

  • RawRabbit.vNext.Disposable.IBusClient where your previously used RawRabbit.IBusClient
  • RawRabbit.Extensions.Disposable.IBusClient where your previously used RawRabbit.IBusClient for extensions.