Getting Started


Install the latest version of RawRabbit and RawRabbit.vNext from NuGet.

  PM> Install-Package RawRabbit
  PM> Install-Package RawRabbit.vNext

The vNext package contains the convenience class BusClientFactory that can be used to create a default instance of the RawRabbit client. It makes life easier, but is not necesary.

Creating instanse

Depending on the scenario, there are a few different ways to instansiate the RawRabbit client. The methods described below all have optional arguments for registering specific subdependeices.

vNext Application wire-up

If the application is bootstrapped from a vNext application, the dependecies and client can be registed by using the AddRawRabbit extension for IServiceCollection

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddRawRabbit(); //optional overrides here, too.

Instance from factory

Create a new client by calling BusClientFactory.CreateDefault. If no arguments are provided, the local configuration will be used (guest user on localhost:5672 with virtual host /).

var raw = BusClientFactory.CreateDefault();


The package RawRabbit.DependencyInjection.Autofac contains modules and extension methods for registering RawRabbit.

var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = builder.Build();


The package RawRabbit.DependencyInjection.Ninject contains modules and extension methods for registering RawRabbit.

var kernel = new StandardKernel();

Broker connection

As soon as the client is instansiated, it will try to connect to the broker. By default RawRabbit will try to connect to localhost. Configuration can be provided in different ways.

Configuration object

The main configuration object for RawRabbit is RawRabbitConfiguration.

var config = new RawRabbitConfiguration
    Username = "user",
    Password = "password",
    Port = 5672,
    VirtualHost = "/vhost",
    Hostnames = { "production" }
    // more props here.
var client = BusClientFactory.CreateDefault(config);

Configuration can be supplied in configuration files. See the configuration section for more information.

Messaging pattern

Two of the main messaging patterns for RabbitMq are remote procedure calls (sometimes refered to as RPC or request/reply) and publish/subscribe.


Implementing the publish/subscribe pattern can be done with just a few lines of code. The SubscribeAsyn<TMessage> method takes one argument Func<TMessage,TMessageContext,Task> that will be invoked as the message is recived. Read more about the TMessageContext in the Message Context section. Publish a message by calling PublishAsync<TMessage> with an instance of the message as argument.

var client = BusClientFactory.CreateDefault();
client.SubscribeAsync<BasicMessage>(async (msg, context) =>
  Console.WriteLine($"Recieved: {msg.Prop}.");

await client.PublishAsync(new BasicMessage { Prop = "Hello, world!"});


Similar to publish/subscribe, the message handler for a RequestAsync<TRequest, TResponse> in invoked with the request and message context. It returns a Task<TResponse> that is sent back to the waiting requester.

var client = BusClientFactory.CreateDefault();
client.RespondAsync<BasicRequest, BasicResponse>(async (request, context) =>
  return new BasicResponse();

var response = await client.RequestAsync<BasicRequest, BasicResponse>();

Other patterns

While publish/subscribe and request/reply lays in the core of RawRabbit, there are other ways to work with messages. The BulkGet extension (from NuGet RawRabbit.Extensions) allows for retrieving multiple messages from multiple queues and Ack/Nack them in bulk:

var bulk = client.GetMessages(cfg => cfg
    .ForMessage<BasicMessage>(msg => msg
        .FromQueues("first_queue", "second_queue")
    .ForMessage<SimpleMessage>(msg => msg